Day or night for
24/7 access
7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Monday through Friday

When you or your referring doctor calls to make your first appointment, we will ask for your name, a telephone number at which you can be reached, and your address so that we can send you a "Welcome" letter to let you know a little bit more about our office. If you are calling us directly, we will ask who has referred you to us. Often, the doctor will already have contacted us or sent us radiographs and other information about their concerns - but if they have not, we want to contact them so that we are properly prepared for your initial examination.
Depending on why you were referred, we might need to gather older radiographs so we can compare them against your current films; or we might need to look at older photos of your smile to see how the gum line has been altered. If you have been referred by an oncologist or radiation therapist, we will want to coordinate your care with their expected therapy. Please make sure you let us know if you are pregnant or have a health condition so that we can gather as much information we will need to properly diagnose and recommend treatment that is appropriate for you.
We will send you a Health History form for you to fill out - and when you come in for your first appointment, we will go over it with you. Your overall health is our first concern. And don't forget to bring your questions! We will take whatever time you need to be sure that all your questions are answered - and we promise to do this at all your appointments, not just the first one. Your initial visit with us will last an hour to ninety minutes.