Day or night for
24/7 access
7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Monday through Friday

Our office was established in Escondido in 1978, and we have been in our current building since May, 1988. Over the years, we have taken great pride in treating each person who comes into our practice as an individual. Along the course of your treatment, you will meet many of us. And each of us will look forward to meeting you. Your first visit with us will be a thorough examination, because we firmly believe you deserve to have all the facts so that you can make an informed decision about your treatment. Almost always, there will be choices. Making the best choice - for you - depends on your having all the information at hand. We are committed to giving you that information, as well as our assessment of what you can expect to be the outcome of your decision, both for now and in the future. Please feel free to discuss your options or ask any questions you may have with any of us. We are all here to help.
We communicate very closely with your referring doctor, and we will make sure they are informed and aware so that your therapy can go ahead as smoothly as possible - whether it is a complicated multistage reconstruction or just monitoring gingival recession. The photos that accompany the other sections are all of our recent patients. We hope you will find them educational and informative.
Our current patients range from little ones of five and six, just starting orthodontic treatment, to seniors in their 90's. With us, there is no such thing as an "average" patient - each of you is special and deserves to be treated as such.
Please understand that we are committed to what we do, and to aiding you in returning your mouth to health; but this also depends on you and your commitment to your own well-being by making and keeping appropriate appointments, communicating any changes in your own health care priorities, and performing your own oral health care procedures consistently. Together, we can form a tremendous partnership. It's that feeling of working together that keeps us involved in our profession. It's why we do what we do.